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What happened in 2024?

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Capacity Middle East wrapped in Dubai after three busy days. 110+ speakers took to the stages this year to share their perspectives on every aspect of the region’s connectivity landscape – what did we learn?

Some of the talking points came as no surprise to anyone in attendance - particularly the importance of the Middle East for the global connectivity landscape. But it was still interesting to see what this means in practice. There were a large number of international partnerships announced during the event, and the exact  nature of cable route diversity came into particular focus.

With this in mind, all eyes were on Iraq - the country is of great importance on these alternative routes, and the slew of partnerships announced on site reflected this. Elsewhere, we heard about the potential and requirements of a growing gaming market, what exactly is driving ESG, and the maintenance headaches brought about by a booming submarine cable scene. 

Read the full overview below!

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Key takeaways from Capacity Middle East 2024



decision-makers attended in 2024


industry experts spoke on stage


messages exchanged on the event networking app


countries in attendance

Session highlights 

Positioning the GCC as the next global connectivity hub


Due to its strategic location, the GCC region has an excellent ability to connect the East to the West, and the implications of this in light of current market situations was discussed heavily on stage in 2024. This is including more countries than ever before, with Iraq coming specifically into focus and many other markets contributing to the improvement in Middle Eastern digital infrastructure, and the potential of areas such as gaming, sustainable operations, and an unstoppable data centre boom all got lots of airtime.

How will generative AI alter the tech industry? 

A fireside chat on this topic occupied prime position on the agenda -but the topic of generative AI was never far away from being brought up across the three days. The general attitude to GenAI, particularly LLMs, was multifaceted - clear-headedness on the requirement to build out DC and transport capacity for the new data flows, excitement about the revenue potential, and also optimism on how AI can work with network automation to turn operators into leaner, more efficient, and more profitable organisations.


Is current route diversity redrawing the Middle East cable map? 

The short answer to this question, the title of a keynote panel discussion at Capacity Middle East 2024, is 'yes and no'. The Red Sea and Suez route is still a vital part of global connectivity and that is not going to change any time soon, but delegates heard about new cable projects across multiple new routes, including to and through Iraq, northern Saudi Arabia, Jordan and others.


Event highlights 

Capacity Middle East is all about its people. That’s why the event is always full of chances to meet new contacts, catch up with old ones, and build those personal relationships that get deals over the line – whether it’s at an exhibition stand, in a meeting room, or over a drink at a networking function. 




meetings arranged via the networking app


premium meeting lounges and trading tables


networking receptions

Drinks receptions

Drinks Receptions

Global Leaders’ Forum events

GLF happy hour

Important announcements


Networking breaks

Netowrking breaks

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